Nov 04, 2021
Date: Nov 04, 2021
Updated Date:

Ahh Christmas! The festive food treats, the smell of pine needles, Christmas carols, presents….
Yes – presents and yes you do need to do some online shopping! The excuses are no longer working and the family EXPECTS.
So, to make it easy for you we have done your shopping list for you and here is our simple guide for the perfect gifts for all the people in your life. You can thank us later.
He has been supporting his local rugby team for years and you always wonder why - as he appears to hate them. At least whenever he talks about them it is often about how bad they are and how the expensive new signing is rubbish. However, you now realise he enjoys this moaning. So best to just nod and agree with him that the new full back couldn’t tackle his own washing never mind the opposition winger.
His gift of a branded hip flask with chic tartan finish, which you fill with his favourite brandy, will be appreciated when he is next at a game and needs something to take his mind off the centre knocking the ball on – again.
Is a multi tasking marvel and where would Christmas be without her? This is a fact she continues to remind you of – repeatedly. This T Shirt could go one of two ways. Either she laughs wholeheartedly and tells you that you know her so well- or you get the look and three days later you see the next-door neighbour wearing it.
It cannot be helped that you were the one in the family that got the dress sense. That’s why you are of course a Raging Bull customer. Your brother’s dress sense is woeful, and it does not help that he loves a gym work out and struggles to squeeze into the dreadful t shirts he buys on eBay.
So, in the spirit of education and enlightenment you are treating him to a Raging Bull rugby shirt in a generous 3XL. You will then ask mum to secretly burn his Iron Maiden T shirt.
He used to play a bit of rugby in the past and likes to occasionally try and rugby tackle you in the kitchen over Christmas to show even as an oldie he has still ‘got it’ . You kind of wish he hadn’t still got it as it bl**dy hurts.
With the round the world cruise he is taking next year you have nailed his gift with a rugby ball shaped washbag. This leather marvel will allow him to dream of past glory days every time he gets his razor out.
Yes – presents and yes you do need to do some online shopping! The excuses are no longer working and the family EXPECTS.
So, to make it easy for you we have done your shopping list for you and here is our simple guide for the perfect gifts for all the people in your life. You can thank us later.
He has been supporting his local rugby team for years and you always wonder why - as he appears to hate them. At least whenever he talks about them it is often about how bad they are and how the expensive new signing is rubbish. However, you now realise he enjoys this moaning. So best to just nod and agree with him that the new full back couldn’t tackle his own washing never mind the opposition winger.
His gift of a branded hip flask with chic tartan finish, which you fill with his favourite brandy, will be appreciated when he is next at a game and needs something to take his mind off the centre knocking the ball on – again.
Is a multi tasking marvel and where would Christmas be without her? This is a fact she continues to remind you of – repeatedly. This T Shirt could go one of two ways. Either she laughs wholeheartedly and tells you that you know her so well- or you get the look and three days later you see the next-door neighbour wearing it.
It cannot be helped that you were the one in the family that got the dress sense. That’s why you are of course a Raging Bull customer. Your brother’s dress sense is woeful, and it does not help that he loves a gym work out and struggles to squeeze into the dreadful t shirts he buys on eBay.
So, in the spirit of education and enlightenment you are treating him to a Raging Bull rugby shirt in a generous 3XL. You will then ask mum to secretly burn his Iron Maiden T shirt.
He used to play a bit of rugby in the past and likes to occasionally try and rugby tackle you in the kitchen over Christmas to show even as an oldie he has still ‘got it’ . You kind of wish he hadn’t still got it as it bl**dy hurts.
With the round the world cruise he is taking next year you have nailed his gift with a rugby ball shaped washbag. This leather marvel will allow him to dream of past glory days every time he gets his razor out.
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